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Forget body mass and big muscles. When male Augrabies flat lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) size each other up for a brawl, they look at the ultraviolet (UV) color of their opponent´s throat, according to a study published online 3 January in Biology Letters. Researchers found that when they blocked this UV patch with sunscreen, lizards were much more likely to be challenged by their foes. The results suggest that such coloration can help males maintain dominance--as long as they avoid the SPF 50.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Cosmic tornado. The tantrums of an infant star have carved a striking helical shock wave in space. NASA´s Spitzer Space Telescope found the glowing infrared feature in a fertile nursery of more than 100 stars about 550 light-years away. Blasting downward from an unseen active star above the image, this jet may trace out the poorly understood magnetic fields that probably wind through the churning cloud of gas and dust. Astronomers released the false-color image 12 January at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


When it comes to tracking geomagnetic storms, two eyes are better than one. The pair of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft--launched on 25 October 2006--have imaged two massive streams of hot plasma streaking away from the sun (blue) at more than 1000 kilometers per second. The spacecraft will soon be respectively leading and trailing Earth, as it orbits the sun, at sufficient distances to provide 3-D tracking--and enhanced forecasting--of such solar ejections, which threaten satellites, radio communications, and GPS operations.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


The first fossil of a gliding lizard has been found in northeastern China, and judging by its wing design, it was an ace. Rather than using modified forelimbs for powered flight (as contemporary pterodactyls did), 15-centimeter-long Xianglong zhaoi sailed with a pair of webby wings built on supersized ribs, leaving its limbs free for grabbing and climbing trees, researchers report online the week of 19 March in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Despite its fine features, the 100-million-year-old glider seems to have been an early experiment: birds, which would soon dominate the skies, grew wings from their forelimbs, and the only gliding reptile around today, the draco lizard, has wings that are less aerodynamic.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007

THE PATH OF THE LOVE - Statment of Belief


The views of SRF and its activities can be outlined as follows:

1) Members of the Science Research Foundation are committed to their moral values and religious beliefs. Yet they believe that these concepts have to be perceived in line with the basic values of the contemporary world, such as democracy and modernity. The SRF publishes periodicals stressing this subject.

2) The scientific works of the Science Research Foundation concentrate particularly on the origin of the universe, living things and mankind. The SRF emphasizes that 19th century positivism, rejecting religious beliefs and basing science on atheism, is flawed, and defends instead the "intelligent design" view of the origin of living things and mankind, a stance which has its roots in contemporary scientific findings. So far, the SRF has organized 1500 scientific conferences in different cities in Turkey. It has also held 3 international conferences and many scientific exhibitions on the same subject in various regions of Turkey. All these services were provided free of charge.

3) The SRF works for an improved and enlightened Turkey. The SRF supports Turkey in the becoming of a member of the European Union, and wishes not to see unfavorable practices that might hinder this purpose. In accordance with this objective, the SRF has organized many conferences on national problems in Turkey with the participation of major Turkish strategists.

4) The SRF attaches great importance to the unitarian structure and territorial integrity of Turkey. It adopts a moderate interpretation of nationalism. The foundation embraces all citizens of the Republic of Turkey without consideration of social class, ethnic origins or religion. It argues that the non-Muslim minorities in our country (such as Greeks, Armenians and Jews) live together and in harmony with other Muslim Turkish citizens.

5) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, sets an example for the members of the Science Research Foundation. They all adopt his principles. The major characteristic of the SRF's understanding of Atatürk is that it sees him as a leader who adopted modernism, as well as being a religious individual who strongly wanted to see superstitions removed from Islam so that it could be practiced correctly. Therefore, the SRF has attracted criticism from certain groups in the country who prefer to portray Atatürk as anti-religious.

In brief, the SRF is an intellectual society made up of people who truly believe in certain truths and values, and who assume the responsibility of explaining these to the society. More than 1500 public conferences, dozens of scientific public exhibitions and tens of thousands of books and booklets distributed by the SRF explicitly reveal the idealist and self-sacrificing nature of the foundation.


The Science Research Foundation supports a democratic society in which mutual respect and tolerance prevail, and problems are solved through dialogue. We regard these as imperative, especially in the post-Cold War world. Authoritarian regimes based on strict rules, where criticism and conflicting views are forbidden, have collapsed one by one. Those still left are suffering major problems.

Democracy, in its real sense, is a regime that allows the expression and co-existence of differences. It guarantees human rights and freedoms, and creates an environment where everybody can freely express his own identity and opinions. Above all these, democracy aims to have an environment in which everyone can lead his life according to his own beliefs and values, as long as he does not interfere with the rights and freedom of others.

The SRF knows that one prerequisite for democracy is the principle of the "Constitutional State". It therefore demands that illegal practices observed in the country from time to time be brought to an end, and that the fact that nobody is above the law come to be reflected daily life.

The SRF wants to see democracy institutionalized in its fullest sense in the country, and incorporated into society as a whole culture.


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