He is Allah. There is no god but Him. Praise be to Him in the world and the hereafter. Judgement belongs to Him. You will be returned to Him. (Surat al-Qasas:70)
Never Forget That...
- Our sole purpose in life is to serve Allah,
- Allah encompasses everything from East to West,
- Allah exercises absolute control over natural events and He directs their whole affairs,
- Allah holds all people under His control, including our mothers, fathers, classmates and colleagues,
- Allah is the true protector and defender of man,
- Allah will always win in the end,
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- It is only Allah Who can relieve us of all the forms of difficulties we encounter,
- Allah knows the hidden truth of an event, the details pertaining to it, and any other unknown aspects about it,
- Allah knows the details of the deeds one has done throughout one's lifetime,
- Allah possesses the power to do anything He wishes,
- Allah knows all the subtle details pertaining to all matters, that He benefits His servants who fear Him,
- Allah protects those who take refuge in Him and gives them relief,
- Allah desires to make things easier for us,
- Everything that happens to us occurs under His control,
- It is Allah Who grants us all our blessings,
- Allah is the possessor of any property (yachts, houses, cars, furniture, clothes, jewelry etc…) and the actual owner of all money is Allah,
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- Allah provides the provision of all living things,
- Allah will expand the blessings for whom He wills,
- We must engage in all deeds only to earn His good pleasure,
- Allah will reward most abundantly those deeds done to earn His good pleasure,
- Allah has taught us everything we know,
- Allah is the One Who has rightly guided us and willed for us to become believers,
- Allah is exalted above any sort of fallibility particular to human beings is in no means in need of anything,
- Every living being on earth is in need of Him,
- Allah is infinitely conscientious,
- Allah knows everything, whether we keep to ourselves or divulge it,
- Allah certainly helps those who help His religion,
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- Allah sees us no matter where we are or what we are doing,
- Allah is infinitely just and does not wrong anyone by so much as the smallest speck,
- Allah does not harm mankind in any way,
- Allah is the Originator of the heavens and earth, and when He decides on something, He merely says "Be!" and it is,
- Allah knows everything beyond our knowledge,
- No one can change what Allah wills for him and no one can prevent something from happening, be it good or bad, if Allah wills for him,
- To look at and reflect upon the Signs Allah shows you within yourself and outside of you,
- Everything in the earth and in the heavens glorifies His praises,
- Only Allah deserves to be glorified,
- Allah never forgets anything,
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- Allah is always alive, that He never sleeps, nor is in need of sleep,
- Allah heals the hearts of those who believe in His support,
- Allah supports believers at every moment,
- Allah forgives and accepts repentance from His servants,
- Allah does not punish wrongdoers immediately, and that he grants time so that people can repent and ask for forgiveness,
- Allah is Ever-Gentle with His servants,
- Allah wishes His faithful servants to attain Paradise,
- Allah will reward those who show patience,
- Allah is the One Who gives us our soul and gives health,
- Allah heals us when we are sick,
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- Allah warns us constantly to help us attain true faith and reminds us through various ways,
- Allah has given us love of faith and has made disbelief, deviance and disobedience hateful to us,
- Allah will bring forward a people whom He loves and who love Him to replace those who renounce the religion,
- Allah erases bad actions from true believers,
- Allah gives the power of discernment to judge between right and wrong to those who have fear of Allah,
- Allah is closer to us than anyone or anything,
- We need to pray to Allah that He keep us as His friend till eternity.
Satan is your enemy, so treat him as an enemy. He summons his party so they will be among the people of the Searing Blaze. (Surah Fatir: 6)
Never Forget That...
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- Satan is our greatest enemy,
- Satan patiently waits to deceive people at every moment,
- Satan will try to hinder you from being grateful to your Lord by making you forget the blessings,
- Satan wants you to forget that there is good in every situation and thereby hinder you from putting your trust in Allah,
- Satan will try to instil carelessness, laziness, anger, heedlessness, selfishness and forgetfulness in you,
- Satan wants to hinder you from your acts of worship and conducting yourself responsibly towards Allah,
- Satan has no influence whatsoever on true believers,
- Seeking refuge in Allah when a deceptive suggestion from Satan provokes you will bring you relief,
- Forgetfulness is Satan's greatest weapon,
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- Satan wants to hinder you from keeping your mind occupied with Allah's remembrance,
- Arrogance and resisting truth are attributes of the accursed Satan,
- Satan will try to fill you with false hopes,
- Satan never wants you to engage in deeds that will please Allah and attain Paradise,
- Satan's primary aim is to make you earn eternal torment, as he himself will,
- Satan has no authority over people, but merely calls on them.
You who believe! Remember Allah much... (Surat al-Ahzab: 41)
Never Forget…
- To keep your mind occupied with the remembrance of Allah,
- To remember Allah when you are standing, sitting and lying on your side,
- That nothing except the remembrance of Allah removes our distress, the complications in our affairs, and provides us relief of heart,
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- That nothing (trade or commerce) should distract us from the remembrance of Allah,
- That remembering Allah is the greatest,
Every self will taste death. We test you with both good and evil as a trial. And you will be returned to Us. (Surat al-Anbiya': 35)
Never Forget That…
- Everyone, including ourselves and our family members will certainly die,
- The time of death is determined by our Lord,
- Everyone's death is predetermined and that no one can put off that predetermined time when it comes,
- At death, we will return to our Lord,
- Our body will be of no value whatsoever once we die,
- When placed in the earth the body will undergo a rapid process of decay,
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- The repentance made at the moment of death may not be accepted,
- All the forms of weakness we have in this world are given us to remind death,
- Thinking about death will purify us of all false ambitions,
- You must pray to Allah to take you as a Muslim at your death.
The life of the world is merely a game and a diversion. If you believe and fear of Allah, He will pay you your wages and not ask you for all your wealth. (Surah Muhammad: 36)
Never Forget That…
- Though it may seem long, the life of this world is brief,
- What seems attractive in this world are but trials,
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- Allah lets everyone live long enough for the one who was going to repent could have time to repent,
- Allah created life and death so that He could test us, to see whose actions are the best,
- The life of this world is temporary,
- The blessings in this world are only inferior imitations of the actual blessings in Paradise, and that they are specifically created to remind us of Paradise,
- By the Will of Allah, the whole world will vanish at the Day of Judgment,
- The life of the world is nothing but a game and a diversion, and that the real refuge is the hereafter,
- The blessings in this world must not be a cause for boasting,
- The true believers never sell the hereafter for this world.
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People will ask you about the Last Hour. Say: "Only Allah has knowledge of it. What will make you understand? It may be that the Last Hour is very near." (Surat al-Ahzab: 63)
Never Forget That…
- We are approaching the Last Hour rapidly,
- On that day, there will be unprecedented catastrophes,
- The Day of Resurrection will come abruptly before you can even realize it,
- That day there will be nowhere to escape,
- That day everyone will be asked to give account of his deeds before Allah, and will be asked about the blessings he enjoyed,
- Every soul that has ever been on earth will stand before his Lord,
- That day the mountains will be scattered as dust,
- That day heaven will be split and become red like dregs of oil,
- The stars will be extinguished,
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- The mountains will be pulverized, and be like tufts of colored wool
- Allah will leave them as a barren, level plain,
- The sky will be like molten brass,
- Every nursing woman will forget the baby at her breast,
- We will come to the presence of Allah all alone, just as we were first created,
- Everything in the heavens and the earth, except those favoured by Allah, will be seized by fear,
- The evildoers will be recognized by their mark and seized by their forelocks and their feet,
- No soul will speak except by His permission,
- Disbelievers will be wretched,
- Those who lied against Allah will have their faces blackened,
- Voices will be humbled before the All-Merciful and nothing but a whisper will be heard,
- No acquaintance-including one's mother, brother, father-will ask about his friend,
- The guilty will accuse one another,
- Each soul will find the good it did and the evil it did, it will wish there had been ages to separate them,
- Some faces will be radiant,
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- Any regret felt on that day will already be too late,
- There will be no recourse on that day,
- On that day, there will be no fear or sorrow for true believers.
…whereas those who believe and do right actions, such people are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (Surat al-Baqara: 82)
Never Forget That…
- Allah created Paradise especially for believers,
- The rewards of those who sell their selves and their wealth will be Paradise,
- Believers will remain in Paradise for all eternity,
- Angels will meet believers in Paradise in the most gentle way,
- They will be in peace and complete security,
- In Paradise, there will be spouses of perfect purity,
- In Paradise, its inhabitants will see delight and a great kingdom wherever they turn,
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- They will be reclining on couches lined with rich brocade,
- There will be ripe fruits hanging close to hand,
- It will be neither too hot nor too cold,
o There will be goblets and decanters circulating about them,
o The people of Paradise will have there all that their hearts desire and what their eyes find delight in,
- No one will be wronged there,
- Allah will bestow radiance and happiness upon the people of Paradise,
- In Paradise, there is no fear of committing sin,
- Any rancour will be stripped away from the hearts of the people of Paradise,
- Believers will be grateful to Allah in Paradise,
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- It is by the mercy of Allah that believers will attain Paradise,
- In Paradise, no one grows weary,
- No one will feel fear and no one will know any sorrow,
- Allah will remove all sadness from the hearts of the people of Paradise,
- Far above all the blessings of Paradise, is the good pleasure of Allah.
…Had We so willed We could have given guidance to everyone, but now My Words are shown to be true: that I shall fill up Hell entirely with jinn and human beings. (Surat as-Sajda: 13)
Never Forget That…
- Allah made Paradise unlawful for those who ascribe partners to Him and that their eternal abode is Hell,
- The fire of Hell will last into eternity,
- People of Hell will have garments of fire cut out for them,
- People of Hell will be wearing shirts of tar,
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- They will have their faces enveloped in fire,
- Boiling water will be poured over their heads,
- Their sides and backs will be branded,
- The Gates of Heaven will not be opened for them,
- People of Hell are the worst of creatures,
- Torment in Hell will be forever,
- Shackles and chains and a Searing Blaze are made ready for the people of Hell,
- There exists nothing to drink in Hell except boiling water and scalding pus,
- The people of Hell have no food but a bitter thorny bush, which neither nourishes nor satisfies,
- The Tree of az-Zaqqum is the food of the wicked, seething in the belly like molten brass,
- The people of Hell will be bound in a chain which is seventy cubits long,
- They will be beaten with cudgels made of iron,
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- There exists a Fire in Hell, whose fuel is people and stones,
- The fire of Hell will seethe and rasp,
- There will be sighing for the wrongdoers in Hell,
- Hell is a destination for the profligate,
- When people of Hell are flung into a narrow confine within it, shackled together in chains, they will cry out for their destruction,
- They will neither die nor live,
- Death comes upon the people of Hell from every side but they do not die,
- There exists a Fire whose billowing walls of smoke will hem them in,
- Hell is a pitch-dark and smoke-filled place,
- Hell is a place that provides no relief and no pleasure,
- A wall with a gate within it will be erected between the people of Paradise and the people of Hell,
- The punishment will not be lightened for the people of Hell,
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- They will want to get out of the Fire but they will not be able to,
- There exists above them a sealed vault of Fire,
- Every time their skins are burned off, they will be replaced with new skins,
- Their eyes will be downcast, darkened by humiliation,
- Everyone will acknowledge their sins,
- The people of Hell will say, "If only we had listened and used our minds,"
- They will say, "If only we could be sent back again, we would be among the believers,"
- They will say, "If only we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!,"
- They will confess that they "have no other ally nor any intercessor,"
- They will call out to be saved from the Fire,
- They will call out to the companions of Paradise, "Throw down some water for us or some of what Allah has given you as provision.,"
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- They will curse one another and pray for one another's detriment,
- They will suffer endless regret and despair,
- Allah will not speak to them.
Alif Lam Ra. This is a Book We have sent down to you so that you can bring mankind from the darkness to the light, by the permission of their Lord, to the Path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. (Surah Ibrahim: 1)
Never Forget…
- To follow your conscience every moment of your life,
- To be just at every opportunity, even if it is against you, your parents or relatives,
- To be compassionate and merciful,
- To avoid being arrogant,
- To safeguard your trusts,
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- That when you are greeted with a greeting, to return the greeting with a similar or better one,
- To control your rage,
- To avoid arguing over issues of which you possess little knowledge,
- To avoid boasting,
- That the only criterion of superiority is taqwa (awe or fear of Allah which inspires a person to be on guard against wrong action and eager for actions which please Him),
- That the lower self always commands indecency and wrongdoing,
- To always aim to do good,
- To fear Allah alone,
- To fear Allah as much as you are able to,
- To enjoin good and forbid evil,
- That no burden-bearer can bear another's burden,
- That Allah does not love any vain or boastful person,
- To safeguard your prayers,
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- Not to ridicule others,
- Not to backbite one another,
- To be obedient to Allah,
- To be patient for Allah,
- The existence of the two recording angels sitting on the right and on the left,
- To avoid most suspicion,
- To think in compliance with the Qur'an,
- Believers should not despair,
- Nothing should distress believers,
- Not to boast about your blessings,
- That there is always someone that knows better,
- That there is no compulsion where the religion is concerned, and that the duty of the believers is merely to remind,
- That unity among believers is of great importance,
- Not to quarrel with believers,
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- To be always meticulous in attention to your prayers and other acts of worship, whatever the circumstances may be,
- To turn to Allah in every deed you do,
- That your Master is Allah, that you perform all acts only to earn His good pleasure, and that our wage is the responsibility of Allah alone.
They said "Glory be to You!
We have no knowledge except what
You have taught us. You are the All-Knowing,
the All-Wise."
(Surat al-Baqara: 32)
This materials has been taken from