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Forget body mass and big muscles. When male Augrabies flat lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) size each other up for a brawl, they look at the ultraviolet (UV) color of their opponent´s throat, according to a study published online 3 January in Biology Letters. Researchers found that when they blocked this UV patch with sunscreen, lizards were much more likely to be challenged by their foes. The results suggest that such coloration can help males maintain dominance--as long as they avoid the SPF 50.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Cosmic tornado. The tantrums of an infant star have carved a striking helical shock wave in space. NASA´s Spitzer Space Telescope found the glowing infrared feature in a fertile nursery of more than 100 stars about 550 light-years away. Blasting downward from an unseen active star above the image, this jet may trace out the poorly understood magnetic fields that probably wind through the churning cloud of gas and dust. Astronomers released the false-color image 12 January at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


When it comes to tracking geomagnetic storms, two eyes are better than one. The pair of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft--launched on 25 October 2006--have imaged two massive streams of hot plasma streaking away from the sun (blue) at more than 1000 kilometers per second. The spacecraft will soon be respectively leading and trailing Earth, as it orbits the sun, at sufficient distances to provide 3-D tracking--and enhanced forecasting--of such solar ejections, which threaten satellites, radio communications, and GPS operations.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


The first fossil of a gliding lizard has been found in northeastern China, and judging by its wing design, it was an ace. Rather than using modified forelimbs for powered flight (as contemporary pterodactyls did), 15-centimeter-long Xianglong zhaoi sailed with a pair of webby wings built on supersized ribs, leaving its limbs free for grabbing and climbing trees, researchers report online the week of 19 March in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Despite its fine features, the 100-million-year-old glider seems to have been an early experiment: birds, which would soon dominate the skies, grew wings from their forelimbs, and the only gliding reptile around today, the draco lizard, has wings that are less aerodynamic.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007

THE PATH OF THE LOVE - The Human Project

Darwinist-Materialist Misconceptions About
The Human Genome Project

With the announcement of the latest point arrived at inthe Human Genome Project, some publishing organs started to deliver misleading messages and misinform the public so that the impasse the theory of evolution has reached is not further revealed.

Earlier, we mentioned the misleading messages evolutionists gave about "genetic similarities" and made clear that these are the subjective interpretations which do not provide any evidence for the theory of evolution. The subject which is mostly promoted and highlighted with different slogans and headlines by the Darwinist-materialist press is the claim that the discovery of the gene map suggests that the fate decreed by God can be challenged. This is a great misconception and deception put forward by certain circles. The headlines recently appearing in the printed press and in the course of discussions in television programs give the impression of a stealthy indoctrination. It is a great mistake to present the information on the human genome project accompanied by messages like "Man will no longer be defeated by his destiny." For in truth, the mapping of the human genes has no relevance whatsoever to the flow of man's fate.


The Flow of Fate Cannot be Changed

Destiny is God's perfect knowledge of all events past or future as a single moment. A majority of people question how God can already know events that have not yet been experienced and this leads them to fail to understand the fact of destiny. However, "events not yet experienced" are only so for us. God is not bound by time or space, for He Himself created them. For this reason, past, future, and present are all the same to God; for Him everything has already taken place and finished.

This is true for everyone and every event. For instance, God has created everyone with a certain lifetime and everyone's moment of death is determined as to its location, time and form in the sight of God. If, in the years to come, someone's lifetime is extended with timely interventions in the genes, this would not mean that this event defeated that person's destiny. It simply means the following: God gave this man a long life and He made the completion of gene mapping a means for his life being long. The discovery of the gene map, that person's living in that period and that person's life being extended by scientific means are all his destiny. All is determined in the sight of God before this person is born into the world.

Similarly, someone whose fatal sickness is cured through the discoveries made within the scope of this project has again not changed his destiny. That is because it is this person's destiny to recover from this illness by means of this project. Consequently, completion of the human genome project and the fact that man will be able to intervene in the genetic makeup, do not mean confronting the destiny created by God. On the contrary, in this way, mankind follows the developments created for it by God, and explores and benefits from the information created by God. If man lives 120 years thanks to these scientific developments, this is surely a lifetime decreed for him by God, that is why he lives so long.

In brief, expressions like "I cheated my fate", "I changed my destiny" or "I intervened in my destiny" are the consequence of ignorance caused by not knowing the facts about fate. On the other hand, a person's using these expressions is also predestined; how, when and under which conditions he will make these statements are all determined in the sight of God.


Cloning a Human Being or any other Living being is not Creating

In some publications, it has been alleged that by the advancement of the science of genetics, human beings would be cloned and therefore, human beings would create humanbeings. This, too, is a very distorted and farfetched logic. Creating means to bring something into being from nothingness, and this act is peculiar to God alone. The formation of the identical copy of a living being through the copying of genetic information does not mean that this living being is created. When man or any other living being is cloned, the cells of a living being are taken and copied. However, never has a single living cell been created from nothingness by man. The research conducted on this subject has been stopped it was all inconclusive.

Consequently, the discovery of the human genetic makeup by no means implies man's challenge to his destiny, and it never can. Every incident, every act of speech and development are all predetermined in the sight of God according to a certain destiny. So are scientific developments and the innovations they will introduce. God is All-Knowing, and All-Encompassing. The fact that everything, big or small, takes places within the knowledge of God is related in the Qur'an as follows:

You do not engage in any matter or recite any of the Qur'an or do any action without Our witnessing you while you are occupied with it. Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller thanthat, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Surah Yunus: 61)

This materials has been taken from www.harunyahya.com

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