
AHMET on 03/22/2007 at 7:00pm (UTC) | | THE DAY OF RESURRECTION
Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 17th letter of the third volume of his Maktûbât:
One day the world will end. That day will surely come. On that day, the skies will be torn into pieces, the stars will disperse, the earth and mountains will break into pieces and will be annihilated. The Qur’ân communicates this fact and all groups of Muslims believe it. He who disbelieves it becomes a kâfir. Even if he misrepresents his obstinacy well by means of some fantastic stories or deceives the ignorant by pushing knowledge and science on them, he is still a kâfir.
At the end of the world, after all creatures are annihilated, they will be recreated, and everybody will be resurrected from their grave. Allâhu ta’âlâ will resurrect the bones that have rotted and turned into dust. That day a pair of scales will be set up; the account-books of all humans will fly to their owners, to the good ones from their right and to the evil ones from their left. The bridge of Sirât, which is set over Hell, will be passed, the pious ones will pass over it and will go into Paradise, but those who deserve Hell will fall down into Hell.
These things which we communicate are not impossible. Since the Mukhbîr-i sâdiq ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ alaihi wa sallam’ has declared them, we have to accept them and believe them instantly. We shouldn’t doubt about them by being fed on illusions. Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the seventh âyat of Sûrat-ul-Hashr: “Take what my Messenger has brought for you!” that is, believe whatever he says!
On the Day of Resurrection, with the permission of Allâhu ta’âlâ, the virtuous ones will do shafâ’at for the sinful ones, that is, they will intercede for them. Our Prophet declares: “My shafâ’at is for the grave sinners among my Ummat.” After settling accounts, disbelievers will go into Hell and will stay in Hell and be tormented eternally. Believers will stay in Paradise and in the blessings of Paradise eternally. Those Muslims whose sins are greater than their good deeds will possibly go into Hell, being tormented there for a while or to the extent of their sins. Yet they will not remain in Hell eternally. A person with îmân equaling a speck will not remain in Hell eternally, but being blessed with divine mercy, he will enter Paradise. | | |
GLANCE on 03/13/2007 at 6:51pm (UTC) | | Besides this wonderful equilibrium, the place of earth in the solar system and in the universe is also another piece of evidence of a perfect act of creation on Allah's part.
The latest astronomical findings have shown the importance of the other planets' existence for Earth. Jupiter's size and position turn for example out to be critical. Astrophysical calculations show that, as the biggest planet in the system, Jupiter supplies stability to the orbits of Earth and all the other planets. Jupiter's protective role over the earth is explained in an article "How special Jupiter is" by George Wetherill:
Without a large planet positioned precisely where Jupiter is, the earth would have been struck a thousand times more frequently in the past by comets and meteors and other interplanetary debris. If it were not for Jupiter, we wouldn't be around to study the origin of the solar system.1
To put it briefly, the structure of the solar system was specially designed for mankind to live.
Let us also consider the place of solar system in the universe. Our solar system is located in one of the huge spiral arms of the Milky Way, closer to the edge than to the justify. What advantage could there be in that? In Nature's Destiny, Michael Denton explains:
What is so striking is that the cosmos appears to be not just supremely fit for our own being and for our biological adaptations, but also for our understanding... Because of the position of our solar system on the edge of the galactic rim, we can gaze farther into the night to distant galaxies and gain knowledge of the overall structure of the cosmos. Were we positioned in the justify of a galaxy, we would never look on the beauty of a spiral galaxy nor would we have any idea of the structure of our universe.2
In other words, even Earth's location in the galaxy is evidence that it was intended for mankind to live on, no less than are all the other physics laws of the universe.
It is the plain truth that the universe is created and arranged by Allah.
The reason that some people cannot understand this point is their own prejudice. But any objective mind without prejudice will easily understand that the universe is created and organized by Allah for mankind to live in, just as is revealed:
We did not create heaven and earth and everything in between them to no purpose. That is the opinion of those who are disbelivers. Woe to those who are disbelievers, because of the Fire! (Surah Sad:27)
This deep understanding is revealed in yet another verse of the Qur'an:
In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people with intelligence: those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: 'Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory to You!" (Surat Al-'Imran: 190-191)
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GLANCE on 03/13/2007 at 6:45pm (UTC) | | The solar system is one of the most wonderful examples of this beautiful harmony to be witnessed. There are nine planets with fifty-four known satellites and an unknown number of smaller bodies. The major planets counting outward from the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Earth is the only one on which life is known to exist. It is surely the only one on which human beings can live and survive unaided thanks to abundant land and water and to a breathable atmosphere.
In the structure of the solar system, we encounter another beautiful example of equilibrium: the balance between a planet's centrifugal force countered by the gravitational attraction of its primary. (In astronomy, a primary is something that another body revolves about. Earth's primary is the sun; the moon's primary is Earth.) Without this balance, everything in the solar system would fly off into the chilling depths of outer space. The balance between these two forces results in paths (orbits) that the planets and other bodies follow around their primaries. If a body moved at too slow a speed, it would plunge into the primary; if it moved at too fast a speed, the primary would be unable to hold onto it, and it would fly off into space. Instead, every body moves at just the right speed to keep it in orbit. Moreover, this equilibrium has to be different for each body because the distance of planets to the sun differs. So do their masses. Therefore, they have to have different orbital speeds not to plunge into the sun or not to fly off into space.
Materialist astronomy holds that the origin and survival of the solar system can be explained by coincidence. Over the last three centuries, many of its adherents have speculated on how this marvelous order should have come to pass and they have failed to get anywhere. To a materialist, the equilibrium and order of the solar system are inexplicable mysteries.
Astronomers like Kepler and Galileo, among the first to discover this superlative equilibrium, acknowledged it as a deliberate design and a sign of divine intervention in the whole universe. Isaac Newton, recognized as one of the greatest scientific minds of all times, once wrote:
This most elegant system of suns, planets, and comets could arise from the purpose and sovereignty of an intelligent and mighty being…He rules them all, not as a soul but as a sovereign lord of all things, and because of His sovereignty He is commonly called "Lord God Almighty."1
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