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Forget body mass and big muscles. When male Augrabies flat lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) size each other up for a brawl, they look at the ultraviolet (UV) color of their opponent´s throat, according to a study published online 3 January in Biology Letters. Researchers found that when they blocked this UV patch with sunscreen, lizards were much more likely to be challenged by their foes. The results suggest that such coloration can help males maintain dominance--as long as they avoid the SPF 50.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Cosmic tornado. The tantrums of an infant star have carved a striking helical shock wave in space. NASA´s Spitzer Space Telescope found the glowing infrared feature in a fertile nursery of more than 100 stars about 550 light-years away. Blasting downward from an unseen active star above the image, this jet may trace out the poorly understood magnetic fields that probably wind through the churning cloud of gas and dust. Astronomers released the false-color image 12 January at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


When it comes to tracking geomagnetic storms, two eyes are better than one. The pair of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft--launched on 25 October 2006--have imaged two massive streams of hot plasma streaking away from the sun (blue) at more than 1000 kilometers per second. The spacecraft will soon be respectively leading and trailing Earth, as it orbits the sun, at sufficient distances to provide 3-D tracking--and enhanced forecasting--of such solar ejections, which threaten satellites, radio communications, and GPS operations.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


The first fossil of a gliding lizard has been found in northeastern China, and judging by its wing design, it was an ace. Rather than using modified forelimbs for powered flight (as contemporary pterodactyls did), 15-centimeter-long Xianglong zhaoi sailed with a pair of webby wings built on supersized ribs, leaving its limbs free for grabbing and climbing trees, researchers report online the week of 19 March in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Despite its fine features, the 100-million-year-old glider seems to have been an early experiment: birds, which would soon dominate the skies, grew wings from their forelimbs, and the only gliding reptile around today, the draco lizard, has wings that are less aerodynamic.    

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Lemaître’s theory posited that the universe was expanding. This was a statement that no philosopher and no scientist had ever before set forth. Kant had said in his Critique of Pure Reason that this was an enigma unsolvable by human intelligence. This theory fit everything and explained the reason why the universe did not collapse in spite of gravity. The key had fit into the lock. It was the correct explanation of the enigma. However, this statement met with the usual adverse reaction: “No, it is not the truth...”

Remaining outside the sphere of theoretical controversy, American astronomer Hubble was, about the same time, making observations with his sophisticated telescope in the Mount Wilson observatory. He observed that galaxies were receding from each other, which proved that the universe was expanding. In answer to those who said they could not believe in things their eyes had not witnessed, Hubble’s discovery led to the following declaration: “Now that you see it, you have got to believe it.” Hubble showed this by the Doppler Effect. Thus the wavelengths of receding bodies prolonged in the spectrum of light waves would shift to red, while, if the bodies approached each other, the wavelengths would shorten, shifting to blue. The light that came from galaxies that shifted to red showed that the galaxies were receding. In line with this observation, Hubble discovered a striking law: the speed of galaxies that receded was directly proportional to the distance between galaxies. The farther away a galaxy stood, the more its speed of recession accelerated. The result was tested again and again. In 1950, a high-magnification telescope was installed on Mount Palomar in the USA, the largest instrument of its kind. The new tests and controls justified this observation. The measurements made pointed to the fact that the creation of the universe occurred about 10-15 billion years ago.

Both Einstein and Lemaître took an interest in Hubble’s work; Einstein, who did not agree with Lemaître at first, eventually acknowledged during a conference that Lemaître was right after all. He confessed that his failure to endorse these findings had been the gravest error in his life. Thus it was that the fact that the universe was of a dynamic nature and expanding, confirmed by observations, was also validated by the great physicist Einstein.

In the examples presented by Hubble and Lemaître, we see illustrated how a physicist arrives at a conclusion both in theory and through observation. While Lemaître demonstrated how he had made inferences from Einstein’s formulas to substantiate his theoretical discoveries, Hubble presented the data of his observations and his conclusions.

As we see, the result obtained by physicists is the consequence of cumulative and collective bits of knowledge and research. The Creator of physical laws provides the answer in the Quran to the issues of towering importance throughout human history. The Quran’s presentation of scientific facts is clear, direct, and concise; it is different than the presentation of scientists, which tends to be complicated by scientific methods and procedures. The provider of this answer does not have to go through all the labyrinths a scientist has to. The Quran’s method is perfectly straightforward, unswerving and explicit.

If we had the possibility of looking at the universe from above and somebody asked us to describe what we saw, our answer would be that it was expanding. To achieve the Quran’s revelation of this fact 1400 years ago, man would have needed access to the assistance of accumulated scientific data acquired throughout long years and to sophisticated telescopes. When people claim that science and religion oppose each other, the Quran furnishes answers to the most complicated scientific problems. Observations made by sophisticated telescopes today confirm the statements of the Quran.

The Quran, perfectly aware of the human psyche with its prescience, states that nonbelievers will insist on their convictions regardless how many miracles are presented to them. Some ask: “Why did the people also not believe in Jesus, who had performed miracles and healed the sick and the blind?” This example demonstrates why the majority of people did not believe in Christ and the other prophets, despite their miracles. Miracles change in fact as time goes by, but the negative attitude of most humans remains unchanged.

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